I’m presenting this year

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This year I decided that I wanted to give more back to the community in the way of sharing my (limited) knowledge.  The first thing I did was talk to the folks at Redgate and started blogging.  I haven’t presented a session for a while because I’m usually too busy organising events but I decided it was time that changed.  I came up with a new session and submitted it to a couple of events that interest me and that I wanted to attend whether I was speaking or not, these are SQL GLA and SQL Relay in Bristol.

SQL GLA is a free data platform community event being held on Friday 14th September, more information and to register here.

SQL Relay is a 5 day event that tours the country stopping in Newcastle on October 8th, Leeds on October 9th, Birmingham on October 10th, Reading on October 11th and Bristol, on October 12th.  Registration is not open yet but further information can be found here.

I was thrilled to find out that I’ve been accepted at both events.  My session is titled “Writing SQL Server code to keep the DBA happy” and covers my experiences as both a DBA and Developer and how to get those in both roles to work together, with hopefully some useful demos on good practice in coding, unit testing and Continuous Integration.

Speaking is something that I find really scary but the only way I’m going to get over my fear is to get on with it and do it more.  

I’ll also be presenting at Soton Data Platform group on 1st August and at SQL South West on 24th September.

I’m looking forward to my speaking engagements but if you see me just before I start I expect I’ll be a little green and looking slightly sick!!

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About the author

Annette Allen

See Profile

Annette is a Microsoft SQL Server MVP, and has been a SQL Developer since 2000, starting work with a London City based Law firm before moving to Cornwall and working as a part Developer part Managerial role. She then worked as Developer for a health care company and in 2015 joined the University of Exeter where she was the SQL Server DBA. Now Annette is working as a remote DBA for WellData, a leading UK provider of database support.

Contact Annette:

Email: annetteallen69@gmail.com
Twitter: @Mrs_Fatherjack